We are back!

…and we are celebrating 15 years of TEDxBerlin!

Join us for an electrifying TEDx in Berlin!
Prepare to be inspired, challenged, and amazed by a diverse lineup of visionary speakers who will fuel your curiosity and reshape your PERSPECTIVES. Don’t miss this extraordinary return as we push the boundaries of innovation, creativity, and human potential.
TEDxBerlin 2024: Comeback. Celebrate. Change.
on February 2nd 2024

TEDxBerlin February 2nd Program:

10:00 - 11:00 - Registration

11:00 - 13:00 - Session 1

TBC: Opening Performance

Stephan Balzer: Welcome

Ven. Hyon Gak Sunim

Zen Monk

Bryan William Jones

Retinal Neuroscientist

Luanne Calvert

Marketing Guru

Martin Gutmann


Prof. Dr. Marcus Schögel

Marketing expert

Irena Arslanova


Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg

Former Politician

13:00 - 14:30 - Lunch Break

14:30 - 16:15 - Session 2

Bel Trew


Michael Barenboim & Stephan Balzer

Musical Maestro

Members of the West-Eastern Divan Orchestra: Performance

Jeanne Adili Ndatirwa

Financial and Academic Leader

Giusy Amoroso

Digital Artist and Creative Technologist

Lawrence Lessig


16:15 - 17:00 - Coffee Break

17:00 - 18:30 - Session 3

BÄM: Performance

Valentin Hammoudi


Amánda Argot Efthimiou
Mental Health Advocate

Sawsan Chebli


Gabe Zichermann

Gamification expert

Sing Dela Sing: Sing-a-long performance 

Stephan Balzer: Goodbye


shapes your reality, influencing thoughts, actions, and your world. What if expanding your perception could unlock new dimensions of creativity, empathy, and knowledge? Imagine the infinite possibilities.

Let's explore together, asking vital questions: How can shifting our perceptions unleash hidden potential? What lessons can we learn from those who overcame obstacles by changing perspectives? Ultimately, how can we collectively reshape our perceptions for a brighter future? 

Join us to uncover the secrets of perception and tap into hidden powers within. Discover how changing perspectives fuels growth, empathy, and positive change.

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